Day Number six

Friday was somewhat of a "restful" day.  After a FULL day of skiing with Mr. D, most of us were poopped!  (An American expression that means "tired." I had to explain to the girls. Mariana was horrified when I asked her if she was poopped!)  Mr. Ort & Ms. Reinhardt started the day by visiting Champery.  We had to stop at the bank, get groceries for the girls sandwiches and of course, stopped at the pastery shop.  The pasteries were fantastic!  When we arrived back at the hotel, we found all ten girls resting (laying on the snow by the ski lift).  You'll notice in many of the pictures that some of the girls are sunburned.  (Not something you tend to think of when planning a ski trip in the Alps!)  However, we all have sunscreen and have been taking more precautions.

We all met in the hotel's family room for sandwiches and Ana and Maria helped Ms. Reinhardt make our ham, turkey & pbj sandwiches. 

In the afternoon, all the girls skiied while Mr. Ort and Ms. Reinhardt rested in the hotel.  Mr. Ort spent the afternoon updating the website and Ms. Reinhardt took a nap! ;)  Ana Litchle and Mariana traveled to Champery and bought crepes (they said they were delicious!) In the evening, some of us walked to the market for supplies to make supper, while others ate in their rooms.  We hung out in the family room and played games like Farkle and Spoons.  We all went to our rooms pretty early to prepare for our last big day of skiing.  Everyone is a little sad that our ski time is almost over, but we are getting excited for Italy as well.



Mr. Ort shows off his Toblerone bar (we ALL got two from Mr. D.) THANKS MR. D.!



The Uno sharks are back at it!

GAME TIME! After skiing, we all hung out.  Here we are with a Suisse snack!



 We learn how to play Farkle.

 We are REALLY focusing on learning the rules for Farkle.

Mr. Ort shows his intellectual side.

Ohhhhhhh! They look so innocent!


Mamma Maria makes SURE we are following the rules!

 Yivonne doesn't want us to see her red nose! (Oh sunscreen)

Ms. Reinhardt lays down the lay in her "very important mustache voice."

The sun has gone to her brain!

We caught Mr. Ort falling asleep!

Ms. Reinhardt's French face is not very convincing!

This is supposed to be a "cute" pose for Yivonne.  hmmmmm....


Ana entertains us with the "shark song." What an entertainer!

Mr. Ort gets the giggles & we all find ourselves joining him...unsure why!

 **NEW**  Want to download our pictures?  Want to see pictures not on this website?  CLICK HERE